Juni 26, 2015

5th Week: Dealing with Paraphrasing and Summarising

Let's talk about what I have done in this week. We got so much new knowledge also experience, which were mostly about writing skill. Paraphrasing and summaring...yaa we all know and must be already familiar with this tasks, but I then realised that it was not as simple as my previous thought. How come?

Parapharasing...mainly, this technique becomes essential for referencing someone's writing. In paraphrasing, we only restate the paragraphs (or sentences) in a different style. Otherwise, we would be considered to do plagiarism if we just copy the sentence although we put the citations. At the same time, we should retain the same meaning. 

While, in summarising, we would deal with reducing unnecessary details and examples yet stressing the key information in order to have a quick and easy understanding. Before doing this task, a note-taking is suggested since it helps us getting the key words as well as the main ideas.

Both of them are very useful, I think, as in our future study we will get many books and also journals to read so these techniques will enable us to grasp their substances. Furthermore, it will help us coping with the assignment which is mainly writing tasks. I really should thank the teacher for introducing me the proper methods...hehe. In fact, the teacher also gave us  an assignment to summarise an article which was due on friday. To finish this task, I did reading first, making note, drafting and ended up with a proofreading by my classmate. I also got some comments from Putri, and finally it triggered me to revise some parts.

Image was taken from www.ournettalks.com

Juni 20, 2015

Visa and Family Entry --- Getting an Update

According to my initial plan, I was sure that I, Kinanthi also my mom could depart to Australia concurrently. Yet, after attending a briefing held by AAS pre-award team, I was disappointed as they said that it would only possible for a particular case, such as a breastfeeding mom. huhuhu Moreover, I, again, confirmed my case to their representative when conducting another briefing session. Unfortunately, I got the same answer. They asked me to check out avac website in order to get information of visa. Also, they suggested that it is better for my husband applying visitor visa, instead of dependent visa during his 3-months-stay plan in Australia next year because of an insurance requirement for a dependent visa which costs significantly.

Regarding the visitor visa's features, they told me that this visa allows a tourist staying in Australia for 3 months period only. It means that my mom who will accompany me and Kinanthi should return to Indonesia every 3 months :( I still can not imagine since my mom is almost sixty regardless that she usually travels alone when going to Semarang to visit papa's grave, but travelling overseas is different. Later on, I will contact avac office to get detail information about visa features and other related requirements. I hope there will be an easy way for me, Kinanthi, my mom also my husband arriving and staying in Australia as our prior plan...in sya Allah.

4th Week: Road to Practice Test 2

Image is taken from www.canstockphoto.com

So many things happened this week, the 2nd speaking practice test on Monday, doing CC-Seminar, receiving assignment comment, as well as having 2nd practice test on Friday (usually IALF conducts practice test once in every two weeks). 

Well, I had no preparation for the speaking test, even though I have already seen in the timetable that we would occupy the language laboratory on Monday :D. Consequently, I still felt bad with my performance. However, I realised that I seldom practice speaking, apart from the class activities so I plan to increase my speaking-practice activities since then. 

That's why I seriously did a rehearsal, a day before having the CC seminar. I thought this would be a good opportunity to improve my speaking skill. The seminar was done relatively smooth because luckily I got such a great group which each member considered this seminar as a sharing session, so there was no reason for being challenged, nervous and so on. We, therefore, had an exciting discussion and definitely I should thank Barbara for giving us this project since we got so much useful information helping us to cope with transportation matters in Australia, etc without doing research for that topics. 

Next, I also obtained comments for my one-sided essay assignment. The teacher pointed out on my language which, in some parts, still need to be improved while overall he gave me a relatively good grade (Alhamdulillah :)). However, it motivated me to do more writing exercises and keep improving my writing skill.

Lastly, we had our practice test again huh. As usual, I was struggling with the reading and listening as well while surprisingly I have finished my writing tasks, unlike the first test (although I am not sure with the result). I hope that the more we have practice test the more well-prepared we will be for the real battle.

Juni 12, 2015

3rd Week: Reflection

Image is taken from www.theodysseyonline.com
In this week, I experienced getting the first practice test result, finishing cross-cultural studies assignment also attending the one-on-one consultation with the teacher. 

The test result was relatively similar to my predictions, hehe. I had many comments from the teacher on the writing tasks since I have not finished both. It's ok, I will consider this as a part of my journey in learning. For the task 1, actually I knew from the teacher that the main points are having clear overview and reporting key features (also making comparison between the figures), while previously I also thought that paraphrasing the question would mark point. Moreover, the supporting data should be provided as an important element of task achievement. In contrast, the teacher's comments on my writing task 2 slightly relieved my regret since I thought earlier that I will lose a lot of points. In fact, according to the comments, I still had several positives regarding the ideas also the structures. Similarly, my reading still needs improvements, especially in speed and skim reading ability, also in coping with different types of questions. Otherwise, I was surprised with my listening result. Alhamdulillah...yet I should do practicing more, especially in the listening conversations, discussions, also lectures. I have borrowed an IELTS book from the library and copy some podcasts from my friend. Let's practice harder!

Recently, I have finished my group task in CC. Later on, we will have presentation session with the other class member. It will be challenging because would be prepared for any questions. Next week should be the end of this project, hi hi hi hopefully.

Lastly, I also had a one-on-one consultation with the teacher. He asked some questions about my strengths and weaknesses in learning English, and give me some advice to boost my skills. He wondered why I'm not confident with my listening skill while my previous result showed relatively good. I explained that my critical point is listening to conversations also lectures (including his lectures hahaha). I revealed that sometimes I cannot fully understand of what he said and just try to guess :D.

That's all :)

Juni 07, 2015

Sedentary Mother Leads to Fatter Offspring

In recent years, corpulence in childhood and adulthood are booming, however, there is also a situation when leaner people still exist. In fact, we are living in an environment that promotes obesity. Edward Archer, a physiologist and obesity theorist, argues that sedentary habits overtake the genes and the eating greediness as the root cause of this. He found enough evidence supporting his theory.

The first one is based on his finding that when two mice, genetically identical, ate identical food resulted in different body mass. So, food and DNA weren't the overweight factors. Then he also found that pregnant mice without wheels practice delivered the fatter descents. This is getting worse in the subsequent generations. Moreover, regarding his literature review, Edward also pointed out the metabolism differences between active pregnant mother and the inactive. The fetuses grow so fast within the inactive cases.

Second, the study of born babies by egg donation convinced that the egg donor's body mass, her own birth weight and the birth weight of her other children have no relationship with the birth weight of the baby from the donated egg.

Image is taken from well.blogs.nytimes.com 

Overall, the level of physical activities become the underlying aspect of obesity. It is suggested that having physical exercises will lead to a better metabolism within moms-to-be that surely will increase the possibility of bearing healthier children.

It is summarized from an essay titled "The Mother of All Problems" published in NewScientist 28 February 2015 edition

Juni 06, 2015

2nd Week: Challenge

Hasil gambar untuk quote challenge yourself
Image taken from: www.quora.com
Hosh hosh this week I have been struggling on writing tasks. The teacher gave us materials also tips in order to help us dealing with our essays. It became an enlightenment for me since I still got bad writing score on my preceding IELTS test. There are some tips to boost my writing skill, like creating daily journal of our study, summarizing the articles we read, and surely we still have to read (whatever english -written sources) as many as possible to grasp various topics. This will help us have a habitual writing, thus it will be easier doing the writing part on IELTS test.

So, what I have been doing? Yaa, since 2 weeks ago I have intended to have blog-posts in english as often as possible. And the result is, I already had 2 posts in english hehe ...seems a good start yaa :) Well, I think I will continue this routine, just keep writing even in a simple topic.

Then, how about my speaking? Actually, I feel bad in organizing my speaking into simple and to-the-point sentences. Sometimes I take long time just thinking way to tell others. Besides, I also have a problem at lack of ideas when discussing a particular topic. Correspondingly, I should put solutions over these different problems. First, I should practice speaking regularly in order to make me easily expressing my opinion then it should increase my fluency also. Fortunately, last week I did have my turn in our group discussion (GD). We used the interlude between EAP classes to have our first GD which involved three of my classmates. Taking only around 30 minutes, we just gave our opinion about historical building we recently visited. According to my mate, I was fluent enough when speaking, but I still had trouble in speaking systematically. Hahaha I could not agree more :p. Next week we are going to have the second session. Second, regarding my limitation on some topics, the teacher has been asked us to read articles, journals or other references. It is better to have several short readings than struggling to accomplish just one thick book. Oke, I prefer to have the simple articles first and then improve to the more complex ones.

Beyond the EAP classes, Barbara class was also challenging for me. We were given a class assignment, deciding one topic regarding to cross-cultural syllabus then doing a research on it. We have chosen "accomodation" as our research topic. Then, we should submit the outline and after she approve it we will present our topic to other-class member, in the next 2 weeks. Yeah, I will enjoy it yet it must be very stressful thinking of the presentation :( Hope all is well...

Finally the second week was ended up with IELTS practice test. Initially, I tried not to be so serious about this test and consider this as a way to know our study progress. Nevertheless, I felt a bit frustrated as the test was over. I have not finished my writing on both tasks :((( . I also felt bad with the reading part :((( So, I am prepared for any of the teacher's comment at Monday T.T

Juni 05, 2015

Computers Hardly Take Over Teacher's Role in Education

The improvement of information technology and the expanding range of computerization contribute changes in education system. It is believed that no more teacher needed in the classroom. However, I believe that teacher will still exist with three reasons while computer becomes more popular.

First of all, as Indonesia comprises wide range of islands, there are disparities amid one another. It seems difficult to consider all of the islands under one assumption in which having good information technology infrastructure. There are many remote areas where people struggle to have a better education with limited building, poor network connection also a little number of individuals who are familiar using computer. Thus, it is impractical to utilize computers as a primary tool in educating people of these areas. Teachers are still playing important role to assist them.

Second, interaction between teachers and students instills moral values which will affect their interpersonal relationship in the future. Teachers with good communication skill and ability to develop a pleasant learning environment will better attract students so that they will replicate that method in their personal life. Moreover, in an early learning, children will easily do good behavior as their teacher give them good real examples, such as how to politely shake hand, how should they greet other people with a nice way, etc. Since it involves emotion it is nearly impossible to be overtaken by computer media.
Lastly, teachers also have an important role as a motivator of their students related to study also a substitute of parents within educating their children. Teachers can benefit from direct interaction with their students to psychologically understand exactly what become learning problems then they can propose a suitable solutions that will motivate their student keep spirit for studying. In addition, when parents entrust children's education to an educational institution, it means that the school should take over half of parents' responsibilities. The existence of teacher make it possible help children in learning activity and take control over them.       
Medical students in lecture with overhead projector screen
It should be like that (Image taken from www.gettyimages.com)

All in all, teachers will never been replaceable due to their vital role in education both technical and emotional. For the sake of successful teaching, it seems unthinkable computers will do as good as teachers. It should be used as supporting tools for teachers in learning process as it will benefit in efficiency effectiveness. 

Juni 02, 2015

First Week of Studying

Image taken from www.gettyimages.com
Since beginning of the last week, I have been free from office job...alhamdulillah :) How come? yes, fortunately I got a chance to learn english for IELTS purpose at IALF Jakarta. This is part of Pre Departure Training (PDT), the first milestone after awarded the AAS (Australia Awards Scholarship).

So what happen at this first week? Fantastic! hehehe First, the PDT is not just studying english, but also filled by other skills, computer skill, learning skill and cross-cultural studies. It seems to be a complete package making me become well-prepared for studying in Australia. Second, we normally start the class at 9 am except they add particular subject such as computer or cross-cultural and finish at 3 pm, so it means more times for playing with my daughter after finishing the classes.

The EAP class (english studies class) is the core course. It provide me some theories, techniques, also practical skills in handling reading, speaking and writing part. In addition, I am also pushed to be familiar listening english from native, it sounds challenging, right? hehe. The cross-cultural class gives me introductions to Australian culture, and the first one was how to shake hand with Australian style hahaha. Lastly, the computer class seems to be way out of finishing my essay-work effectively.

Well, the first week was gone without a heap of assignment papers. But, let's see in the upcoming weeeks. Hope it will be exciting.