The practice test was going like the previous, but I felt unfocused during the listening session and it resulted in a remained constant score compared to my preceding. Similarly, I thought that my writing also showed a decrease huhuhu. But, at least it was over right? and hopefully there will be an improvement since then. Moreover, as days went by, I also realized that I should regularly practice for the task 1 writing, I think it's getting harder now with a variety of the questions and thus the sample answers.
How about the pre-test? Honestly, I did no preparation for this one. But, surprisingly it made me feel relax during the test. I just tried to enjoy doing the listening and reading tests. Hehehe, so it might be true that doing something for pleasure could benefit more.
Lastly, the essay assignment, which I initially thought as a hard one, was ended up. I should admit that I really enjoy the writing and the research but not for the short time-limit. It was stressful to finish reading the journals, making the annotated bibliography and also writing the essay in the given time. But, one thing I thereby learned is that having an adequated annotated bibliography would definitely help you easily and quickly accomplishing the writing. I proved it. Thus, it becomes a good bridging into my future assignments in uni, in sya Allah. And alhamdulillah I got a good feedback from my teacher yet "there are still a few structural problems in the first and second main bodies" he said. It will be my another homework for the rest of the holiday because it may be too early to revise right now. Hope the holiday could be a refreshment before starting the second half of the course. :)
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